As a developer, I am often thrown into situations where are I have to adapt to someone else’s environment. It’s the equivalent of asking a golfer different clubs or an artist a different set of brushes. Therefore, when we set out to built Core’s integrated website we focused on flexibility. We made it easy enough for novice editors to find their ways while allowing experienced developers to build intricate designs.
It’s not an easy feat! Some of us want command-line consoles and want to see only the code while the sane want to drag boxes around easily without care of the changes behind the scenes. A little known secret: most web design / hosting providers do not use the same tools they give their clients to build their own websites. They find their content management and editing systems too restrictive. Now the part where I brag about what we do; Our front-end editor for our YMCA website solution is so powerful we implemented when building our own website!
Here is how the conversation goes. I ask: can you edit your website? And then I hear an awkward sound like a meh mixed with yes. After that, can you edit “some” pages of your website? I get a more positive sound but still not a full yes. Finally, can you edit some sections of some pages? Most people say yes to this one. For most associations, what they can edit is some sections through a WYSIWIG. The WYSIWYG is dead; The wisiwhat? It’s what we thought was going to make building webpages easy. It stands for what you see is what you get, and it was meant to be a rich content editing solution. However, it turns out it’s only helpful in small contexts. If you want to edit full web pages with images, sliders, call to actions, etc. You are going to need better tools.